Alais: Music

Julian Alais

The music by Juan Alais is strongly influenced by the traditional Argentine folk music, in this case a stanza/refrain form.

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Sheet Music

Carlitos is an Estilo for guitar. This Estilo has a traditional structure, an Introducciòn preceeds a Canto. At choice the Introducciòn is repeated at the end. Except for a few tricky chord progressions, the piece is well playable at a joyful tempo.

Sheet Music

Maria is a Vidalita for gitaar. A Vidalita is a traditional Latin-American song form that originates from Uruguay and became popular in the northern provinces of Argentine. An Introducciòn shows the chord pattern, the Vidalita is the song itself. In this piece the melody is included in the bass line.

Sheet Music

La Mendozina is a Zamacueca for guitar. A Zamacueca is a traditional Latin-American dance form that originates from Peru and has a relation with the Argentine Zamba, even though the latter form is not used for dancing.

An Introducciòn shows the chord pattern. Special is that the bass line must be played in artificial harmonics. Then the Zamba itself forms a challenge because of the brisk tempo that is required to play the swing in the piece.