Cancion a Donde Vas (Sor)


It is known from history that Fernando Sor had a great sympathy for the liberal ideas of the politician and -briefly- Spanish Prime Minister Emmanuel Godoy, who was the dedicatee of Sor’s Grande Sonate.

Godoy’s ideas were despised by the nobles and the Catholic clergy who feared to lose their wealth and power as a consequence of Godoy’s economic reforms. That’s why they banded with Crown Prince Fernando in order to remove Godoy. The result was an uprising against Godoy in which Prince Fernando conquered the Spanish throne. Napoleon at his turn did not like this at all and send an army to depose Fernando and install a puppet regime instead.

In this time, Fernando Sor turned out to be a real protest singer, with this song Donde Vas as a striking example. In the lyrics he calls for resistance against Prince Fernando’s plans to restore the power to the conservatives.

I worked on this song during a workshop of the Arion Foundation in Amsterdam, in which I was introduced to the rich 19th century literature for guitar and voice. I was even allowed to play some of the original instruments. Cool! I made a score of the song for rehearsal purposes. Unfortunately, I forgot the lyrics. So, I made it into an arrangement for flute and guitar.

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