My very first attempt to play ensemble with another instrument than guitar was accompaniment of a singer for a performance evening of the School of Music. It was not such a great success, caused by the fact that the contemporary classical repertoire was not my favourite.
Later on, I found a flautist. We played together for a couple of years. For her birthday, I traditionally made hand-written arrangements that we could practice for a while. ; -) In those days there was no sheet music software until DeLuxe Music appeared on the Amiga.
When I established the Guitar Circle, a need arose for ensemble music with three or four guitars in behalf of the social happening at our Sunday afternoon sessions. At this stage, I could use a lot from the vast Internet resources. Some tricks, in particular with scanning software, enabled me to load the parts into Sibelius in order to convert them into neat scores and if necessary “practice-mp3” audio files.
The Ensemble department has two main sections: The guitar ensembles (3 or 4 guitars) and the ensembles with guitar as accompaniment, for voice, flute and recorder.