I started to play the classical guitar at the age of seventeen, as a solo player. At that time, I did not know about the extra dimension of playing together. It took me a few years before I started to get the hang of that.
There is ample solo repertoire for the guitar, even though it is much less than for instruments like piano and violin. I started to build my repertoire from guitar lesson one. Doing so, I discovered the style periods in which the music for guitar and its predecessors developed.
Pieces from every style period are part of my guitar story. This is an ongoing development that -I do hope so- will continue in the future. You will find this (hi)story on this site. I have been busy with every piece that’s included here. A large number I finished. Yet a few I did start, but never finish.
I must admit that the meaning of finished has evolved over time. In the beginning, I was satisfied if I could play through a piece without interruptions. Nowadays I make higher demands, a piece is only finished if I am able to play it before an audience in a satisfactory way. 😉 That does increase the study time indeed!
As said, you will find my solo history in this section. Primarily arranged by style period, secondarily by composer. If you lose your way, use the bread crumb menu just below the main menu bar to find the way again. Every piece has sound (thanks to my scoring program Sibelius) and a pdf-file with the score (provided the piece is Public Domain).
Have lots of fun with browsing around!
Happy Playing!