Leo Brouwer *


The Cuban composer Leo Brouwer was born in 1939 in Havana. His father encouraged him to play the guitar, later Brouwer made music his profession. He started composing at a young age, his early compositions were strongly influenced by folk music and Cuban rhythms, later he dedicated himself to atonal music and minimal music.

I heard his music for the first time at high school (in the middle of the seventies) because a class mate was practicing his Estudios Scencillos. To be honest, it sounded peculiar in my ears. As soon as I started practicing the guitar myself, I played the first six Estudios. Later on I added some Estudios Scencillos Nuevos.

After visiting guitar competitions in this century, I started to appreciate Brouwers music and play it as well. As a consequence, he has an own department on the site now.


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